The Governor

Mr. Kareem Michael serves as the present Governor of the Central Bank of Belize. The Governor is appointed by the Governor General of Belize on the advice of the Prime Minister. He serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank and is responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership, subject to the general overview of the Bank’s Board of Directors.
The Governor's principal focus is on the design and execution of policies that underpin monetary and exchange rate stability, soundness and development of the financial system and economic growth. The Governor undertakes and oversees Central Bank communications with the public to ensure that these are in alignment with the Bank’s primary goals and objectives.
Her Excellency Froyla Tzalam, Governor-General of Belize, on the advice of the Hon. John Briceno, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, appointed Mr. Kareem Michael as Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, with effect from 1 December 2021.
Mr. Michael began his work at the Central Bank as Monetary Economist in 2000. He later led the development of and oversaw the Bank’s Statistical Unit and was promoted to Deputy Director of the Research Department in 2008. In 2014, Mr. Michael resigned from the Central Bank to take up the position of Senior Business Analyst at the Belize Electricity Limited. He returned to the Central Bank as Deputy Governor in November 2017, with responsibility for the Financial System Supervision Department, Research Department, and Compliance Unit.
Mr. Michael performed as Acting Governor since 13 August 2021, before assuming the substantive position of Governor. Mr. Michael brings a wealth of supervisory and regulatory experience to the role. His areas of expertise include Monetary Policy, Exchange Rates and Capital Flows, Economic Indicators and Survey Methods, Financial Programming and Policies, Monetary and Financial Statistics Compilation, Leadership Development, and Project Management. Mr. Michael holds a Master of Public Administration Degree in Economics from the Columbia University in New York City, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Valdosta State University in Georgia, USA.
The Deputy Governors
The Deputy Governors of the Central Bank oversee the operations and research sections of the Bank and provide general support to the Governor in carrying out his responsibilities. The Deputy Governors are appointed by the Prime Minister.
Deputy Governor, Finance and Administration

The Deputy Governor, Finance and Administration, is Mr. Hollis Parham.
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Hon. John Briceno, signed an Instrument of Appointment naming Mr. Hollis Parham as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, with effect from 01 December 2021.
Mr. Parham’s career at the Central
Bank began in February 1984, when he joined the organization as a Clerical Officer. Since then, he has worked as a Data Processing Supervisor and a Systems Analyst, before his promotion to Assistant Manager, Banking and Currency Department in 1998,
and his lateral transfer to Assistant Manager in the Administration Department in 2002.
One year later, Mr. Parham was promoted to the post of Manager, Finance Department, and was then promoted to the newly established post of Senior Manager, Corporate Services Division, on 3 April 2018. As Senior Manager, Mr. Parham he had purview over the Accounts & Budget, Administration, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Security Departments.
Mr. Parham holds a Master of Business Administration, with concentration in Finance from Florida International University as well as a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services from NYU Polytechnic University.
Deputy Governor, Monetary and Financial Systems
Marina Laetitia Murillo, Deputy Governor, Monetary and Financial Systems
The Deputy Governor, Monetary and Financial Systems, is Mrs. Marina Laetitia Murillo.
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Hon. John Briceño, signed an Instrument of Appointment naming Mrs. Murillo as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, with effect from 1 September 2022.
Mrs. Murillo commenced her career at the Central Bank in August 1991 as a Research Officer. In 1998, Mrs. Murillo expanded her professional experiences and worked in project management in the nongovernment sector and in management positions in the private financial sector.
In November 2011, Mrs. Murillo returned to the Central Bank as an Economist I. In October 2018, she was promoted to the post of Assistant Manager, Financial System Development Unit, and in July 2022, she was laterally transferred to the Office of Strategy Management as Assistant Manager, a post she held until her appointment as Deputy Governor.
Mrs. Murillo has completed research in areas such as financial instruments and capital market developments in Belize, financial consumer behaviour in Belize, public sector external debt, as well as in other sectors of Belize’s economy. She is also the author of publications including “An Overview of Financial Instruments and Capital Market Operations in Belize” and “This Tranquil Haven: A Case Study of the Valley of Peace Refugee Settlement in Belize.”
Mrs. Murillo holds a Master of Business Administration (Suma Cum Laude) from Galen University and a Master of Science in Development Studies from the Consortium Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of the West Indies. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of the West Indies.
Learn More About the Office of the Governor
The Office of the Governor oversees the strategic direction, management and day-to-day operations of the Bank. The Office of the Governor includes the Governor’s Office, Office of the Deputy Governor, Research, Financial Supervision and Compliance, and the Office of the Deputy Governor, Financial Services. The office performs these core functions:
- Manages the operations of the Bank in advancement of the stated objectives of fostering monetary and exchange rate stability, promotion of credit and economic growth
- Ensures corporate governance in accordance with the relevant laws, policies and directives of the Board
- Conducts strategic planning and provides leadership to develop and promote an environment and culture that is supportive of stated goals and objectives
- Oversees public relations and external communications to foster national and international confidence, promote financial stability, literacy and institutional credibility