The  Compliance  Department  ensures  that  regulated  institutions  (banks,  credit  unions,  moneylenders including pawnbrokers, payment service providers including remittance service providers and e -wallets, and payment  system  operators)  maintain  an effective  programme for  anti-money laundering, combatting the financing of terrorism, and counter proliferation financing (AML/CFT/CPF)  in accordance with the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act and accompanying guidelines and guidance notes. The Compliance  Department  also  ensures  the  Central  Bank  of  Belize’s  Board-approved  internal AML/CFT/CPF Compliance Program is aligned to international standards.

The Compliance Department performs these core functions:

  • Examines, supervises,  regulates,  and oversees  regulated institutions  as the AML/CFT/CPF Supervisory Authority 
  • Issues  instructions, guidelines,  and  recommendations  to  assist  regulated institutions  to implement an effective AML/CFT/CPF compliance programme
  • Identifies  ML/TF/PF  risks within  the financial system  and develops  strategies to protect the system from ML/TF/PF risks
  • Performs the Compliance Officer function for the Central Bank of Belize’s internal AML/CFT/CPF compliance function
  • Facilitates  AML/CFT/CPF  training to  the  Board of Directors, management,  and staff  of the Central Bank of Belize and all regulated institutions
  • Collaborates  and  cooperates  with  the  other  AML/CFT/CPF  supervisory  authorities  to  effectively combat ML/TF/PF as part of the national strategy

AML/CFT/CPF Compliance

Learn more about the Central Bank's AML/CFT/CPF Compliance function.
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