In fulfillment of its mandate to maintain public confidence in the Belize currency, the Central Bank of Belize issues currency notes with enhanced security features.
In May 1990, the Central Bank of Belize put into circulation a new family of Belize currency notes consisting of seven denominations. This family captured the rich variety of Belizean wild life, national culture and historic sites and highlighted some of the rare and endangered species of the birds and animals of Belize. Although the 1990 issue of currency notes is legal tender, these notes are outmoded.

Actual Size: 158mm x 69mm
Theme: Birds of Belize
Front Image
Colours: Blue, purple and red
The small vignette at the left of the note shows the yellow chest Keel-billed toucan and on the upper left
is the Jade Head. In the centre shows a new portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a design in blue and gold of the queen Trigger-fish, the queen Angel-fish and Belize's Coat of Arms with a Silver fish below. On the right shows the see-through
feature which, when held up to the light, forms the complete design of the Keel-billed toucan.
- Security Thread
The security thread is visible when viewed against the light and glues under ultra-violet light.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Colours: Blue and red
The main picture shows some of Belize’s wide variety of birds. These include the Jabiru stork, Jabiru mycteria, which is the Central Bank of Belize’s logo, the Red footed booby, Sula sula, the King vulture, Sarcoramphus papa, the magnificent Frigate bird, Fregata magnificens, the Brown pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis and one of our larger Mealy or Blue Crown parrots, Amazona farinosa.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Actual Size: 158mm x 69mm
Theme: Bridges of Belize
Front Image
Colours: Burgundy, pink, and olive green
The vignette at the left shows the Belize City Swing Bridge, opened to allow a typical boat to pass through and on the upper left is the Jade Head. In the centre is a new portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a design in blue and gold of the queen Trigger-fish, the queen Angel-fish and Belize's Coat of Arms with and a Silver fish below. The right shows the see-through feature which, when held up to the light, forms the complete design of the decorative ironwork on the rail of the Belize City Swing Bridge.
- Watermark
A watermark is a recognizable image formed as the paper is manufactured, providing built-in security to Belize’s currency.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Back Image
Colours: Burgundy, pink, and olive green
The main picture illustrates the Belize City Swing Bridge, now seen from water level showing the machinery beneath. On the right is the hand-operated mechanism of the swing bridge. In the background is a view of the magnificent Hawksworth suspension bridge which is located in the Cayo District and spans the Mopan River.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Actual Size: 158mm x 69mm
Theme: Animals of Belize
Front Image
Colours: Brown, chestnut and orange
The vignette at the left shows the Jaguar which is now becoming rare throughout the world. It is still found in Belize, where it is now protected. On the upper left is the Jade Head. In the centre is a new portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a design in blue and gold of the queen Trigger-fish, the queen Angel-fish and Belize's Coat of Arms with and a Silver fish below. The right shows the see-through feature which, when held up to the light, forms the complete design of the head of the Tapir Tapirus bairdii, the National Animal of Belize.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Back Image
Colours: Brown and orange
The main picture shows some of Belize’s most interesting animals. These consist of one of the many species of Native bat, Artibeus spp, the Howler monkey Alouatta pigra, the Anteater, Tamandua mexicana, the Kinkajou or Night-walker, Potos flavus, the Tayra or bush-dog, Eira barbara, the White-tail deer, Odocoileus virginianus, the Peccary, Tayassu tajacu and the head of the Jaguar, Panthera onca.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Actual Size: 158mm x 69mm
Theme: Buildings of Belize
Front Image
Colours: Black, green and ochre
The vignette on the left shows the Clock Tower of the Belize City Court House building. On the upper left is the Jade Head. In the centre is a new portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a design in blue and gold of the queen Trigger-fish, the queen Angel-fish and Belize's Coat of Arms with and a Silver fish below. The right shows the see-through feature which, when held up to the light, forms the complete design of the silhouette Clock Tower housed in the Belize City Court House as it appeared around 1910.
- Security Thread
Security thread is visible when viewed in the light and glows under an ultra-violet light.
- Watermark
A watermark is a recognizable image formed as the paper is manufactured, providing built-in security to Belize’s currency.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Colours: Black and red
The main picture shows three historical buildings of Belize City, as they appeared around 1910. The Court House in the centre of the design was partially destroyed by fire in 1918 and the Clock Tower had to be replaced. On the right is St John’s Cathedral, the first Protestant Episcopal Church founded in Spanish America. On the left is Government House, which was the residence of governors during the Colonial period.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Actual Size: 158mm x 69mm
Front Image
Colours: Red, carmine and orange
On the right is the see-through feature, which when held up to the light, forms the complete design of HMS “Merlin” a battleship which participated in the Battle of St. George’s Caye in 1798. In the centre is a new portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a design in blue and gold of the queen Trigger-fish, the queen Angel-fish and Belize's Coat of Arms with the Silver fish at the lower left corner. The vignette at the left shows the relief of Thomas Potts from the medallion on his tomb which was once situated on St George’s Caye with the Jade Head at the upper left corner.
- Security Thread
The thread is seen when viewed against the light and glows under ultra violet light.
- Watermark
A watermark is a recognizable image formed as the paper is manufactured, providing built-in security to Belize's currency.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the notes

Back Image
Colours: Red and carmine
The main picture is a collage of scenes from St. George’s Caye prior to 1931. On the left is one of the bathing kraals and on the right is one of the larger summer residences. In the centre is the tomb of Thomas Potts, a Senior Magistrate of the settlement, a contour of the caye dated 1764, and an old cannon used during the battle of St. George’s Caye. This caye was the first official settlement of the country of Belize.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Actual Size: 158mm x 69mm
Theme: Maya Ruins of Belize
Front Image
Colours: Violet, deep mauve, and blue
On the right is the see-through feature which, when held up to the light, forms the complete design of the craving of an arch from the site of Xunantunich situated in the Cayo District. In the centre is a new portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a design in blue and gold of the queen Trigger-fish, the queen Angel-fish, and Belize's Coat of Arms. The vignette at the left is part of the stela from the site of Nim Li Punit (the Ketchi translation for Big Hat), located in the Toledo District. The stela depicts two figures in an offertory scene and also has Maya inscriptions. The Jade Head is at the upper left corner and the Silver fish at the lower left corner.
- Security Thread
The thread is seen when viewed against the light and glows under an ultra violet light.
- Watermark
A watermark is a recognizable image formed as the paper is manufactured, providing built-in security to Belize's currency.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note

Colours: Violet and carmine
The main picture is a combination of scenes from three Maya sites, from different angles. On the left is the site of Altun Ha, situated in the Belize District. This site is famous for its Jade Head of the Sun God, Kinich Ahau. In the centre is the restored site of Xunantunich in the Cayo District, and on the right is the site of Lubaantun situated in the Toledo District.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Actual Size: 158mm x 69mm
Theme: Marine Life of Belize
Front Image
Colours: Emerald green, ochre, and lime green
The vignette at the left depicts the Spiny lobster, Panulirus argus which is native to Belize’s waters. It is one of our main exports and considered a delicacy. The Spiny lobster is an endangered species and, for its protection, has a closed season. The Jade Head is at the upper left corner. In the centre is a new portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a design in blue and gold of the queen Trigger-fish, the queen Angel-fish, and Belize's Coat of Arms and the Silver fish at the lower left corner. On the right is the see-through feature which, when held up to the light, forms the complete design of the blue marlin.
- Security Thread
The thread is seen when viewed against the light and glows under ultra violet light.
- Watermark
A watermark is a recognizable image formed as the paper is manufactured, providing built-in security to Belize's currency.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.

Colours: Emerald green and red
The main picture on the reverse of the note depicts an underwater reef scene. Among the corals and fishes illustrated are: the Star coral, Montastrea cavernosa, the Sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina, the Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmate, two species of the Brain coral, Deploria spp, the Smallmouth grunt, Haemulon chrysargyreum, the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, the Jackknife-fish, Equetus lanceolatus, the Atlantic Spade fish, Diploria chaetodipterus and the Coral crab, Carpilius corallinus.
- See Through Feature
This feature consists of specific design elements printed in precise register on both sides of the note.