Requirements for a Remittance Service Provider (RSP) Agent Licence

The Central Bank of Belize (Central Bank) may grant a license to an applicant to provide a remittance service if the Central Bank is satisfied that the below requirements are met. The Central Bank maintains the right to request additional information if necessary. To complete the application, the following information pursuant to section 8 of the National Payment System Act, 2017 should be provided.

Steps to apply for an RSP Agent licence

1. Complete RSP licence application form
2. Complete personal declaration form

A completed Personal Declaration Form by each significant shareholder (any person with shareholdings of 10% or more), director and officer or individual that will be in charge of the remittance service provider.

Download Personal Declaration Form

3. Gather supporting documentation

1. Two character references delivered in a sealed envelope for each shareholder, director and officer or individual that will be in charge of the remittance service provider.

2. Notarized copies of identification documents (such as valid passport or Belize Social Security Card) for each shareholder, director and officer or individual that will be in charge of the remittance service provider. All copy of documents must be notarized by a notary public.

3. Copies of Memorandum & Articles of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Good Standing and Annual Returns (if applicable) issued under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize. In the case of a sole proprietor, a Certificate of Registration issued under the Cap. 247 laws of Belize.

4. Financial reference letter from a domestic bank to confirm that an account will be set up specifically for the remittance business.

5. Income Tax Assessment from the Income Tax Department.

6. Proof of address which the service is to be offered such as utility bill or lease agreement.


I. The Central Bank reserves the right to require the applicant to submit additional information.

4. Email completed forms and supporting documentation 

Email completed application form, personal declaration form, and supporting documentation to [email protected]

A confirmation of notice will be sent via email within 24 hours of submitted notification. 


I. All forms and information are to be submitted to the Central Bank of Belize by the Remittance Service Provider.

5. Pay appropriate application fees
Not applicable at this time
If you have any further questions, please contact the Licensing Unit, Supervision Department, of the Central Bank of Belize.