Contact Us
About the Bank
About Us
The Role of the Central Bank
Mission, Vision, and Values
The Bank's History
History of Belize Currency
Board of Directors
Office of the Governor
Past Governors
Strategic Initiatives
National Financial Inclusion Strategy
Basel II/III Implementation
Laws and Regulations
Central Bank Act
Domestic Banks & Financial Institutions Act
International Banking Act
Credit Unions Act
Money Laundering & Terrorism (Prevention) Act
Exchange Control Act
Treasury Bill Act and Rules
National Payment System Act
Moneylenders Act
Deposit Insurance Act
Credit Reporting Act
Current Vacancies
Apply Online
Careers at the Bank
Why Join Us
Information for Job Applicants
Core Functions
Payment and Settlement
Payment System Statistics
Prudential Supervision
Domestic Banks
International Banks
Other Financial Institutions
Credit Unions
Remittance Service Providers
Payment Service Providers
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy Tools
Chronology of Monetary Policy
Exchange Control
Foreign Exchange Permits
Transfer of Land in Belize
Portfolio and Capital Investments
External Investment
Foreign Currency Loans
Foreign Currency Accounts
Non-Resident Belize Dollar Account
Foreign Bank Account
Standing Order Arrangement
Currency Notes
2025 Issue
Security Features
Collectible Coins Gallery
Purchase Collectible Coins
Demonetized & Historical Currency
Damaged Currency
Counterfeit Currency
Government Securities
What is a Government Security?
Treasury Bills
Treasury Notes and Bonds
Examples of Treasury Note Investments
AML/CFT/CPF Compliance
Banking System
Monthly Monetary Aggregates
Monetary Survey
Foreign Assets
Central Bank Summary of Assets
Central Bank Summary of Liabilities
Central Bank External Assets Ratio
Domestic Banks Summary of Assets
Domestic Banks Summary of Liabilities
Domestic Banks Local Currency Deposits
Domestic Banks Total Deposits
Domestic Banks Liquid Assets
Domestic Banks Liquidity Ratios
Domestic Banks Statutory Liquidity
Domestic Banks Cheque Clearings
Domestic Banks Loans and Advances
Domestic Banks Loans and Advances (%)
Domestic Banks Loans (Agriculture)
Domestic Banks Loans (Agriculture - %)
Domestic Banks Financial Access Survey
Other Financial Institutions
DFC – Summary of Assets and Liabilities
DFC – Sectoral Distribution of Loans
DFC – Loans to the Agricultural Sector
Credit Unions – Assets and Liabilities
Credit Unions – Indicators of Activity
Credit Unions Financial Access Survey
Exchange Rates
Domestic Bank Rates
Government Securities Rates
Interbank Offers
Domestic Banks Wgt. Avg. Interest Rates
Comparative Bank & Treasury Bill Rates
Financial Soundness Indicators
Financial System Structure
Domestic Banks Fin. Soundness Indicators
Intl. Banks Fin. Soundness Indicators
Credit Unions Fin. Soundness Indicators
Public Finance
Govt. Revenue and Expenditure
Govt. Treasury Bills Holdings
Govt. Domestic Debt
Govt. Interest Payments on Domestic Debt
Pub. Sect. Disbursed Outstanding Ext. Debt
Pub. Sect. Disbursements on External Debt
Pub. Sect. External Debt Service Payments
National Accounts
GDP by Industrial Origin - Constant Prices
GDP Growth Rate - Constant Prices
GDP by Industrial Origin - Current Prices
GDP by Expenditure - Constant Prices
GDP by Expenditure - Current Prices
External Sector
Visible Trade
Composition of Domestic Exports
Balance of Payments
Extended Balance of Payments Services
International Investment Position
Private Sect. External Debt by Econ. Sect.
General Statistics
Major Economic Indicators (2001-2023)
Key Tourism Indicators (2001-2023)
Agriculture Production
Consumer Price Index
News and Publications
Press Releases
Public Advisories
Treasury Bill Auction Notices
Government of Belize Notices
Warning Circulars
Economic Publications
Weekly Monetary Aggregates
Monthly Economic Reports
Quarterly Reviews
Annual Reports
Statistical Digest
Financial Stability Reports
Credit Conditions Survey Results
Regulated Institution Financials
Domestic Bank Financials
International Bank Financials
Credit Union Financials
Central Bank Financials
Monthly Financial Statements
Annual Financial Statements
Working Papers
How Do I
Monthly Economic Reports
News and Publications
Economic Publications
Monthly Economic Reports
The monthly economic report reviews the latest developments in Belize’s monetary sector, real sector, government operations and public sector debt.
Monthly Economic Highlights - May 2011
Monthly Economic Highlights - April 2011
Monthly Economic Highlights - February 2011
Monthly Economic Report - January 2011
Monthly Economic Highlights - December 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - November 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - October 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - August 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - June 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - April 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - March 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - February 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - January 2010
Monthly Economic Highlights - December 2009
Monthly Economic Highlights - November 2009
Monthly Economic Highlights - October 2009
Monthly Economic Highlights - September 2009
Monthly Economic Highlights - August 2009
Monthly Economic Highlights - July 2009
In This Section