The Central Bank of Belize produces papers on a variety of topics relevant to its work. The Bank’s Research Department produces research papers on economic, monetary and financial issues with a view to increasing the knowledge base on the Belizean economy and issues pertaining to its development and stability. These papers are generally presented at regional or national conferences, seminars and workshops.
The views in the research papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Central Bank of Belize. Permission is required from the authors before papers can be quoted or reproduced.
By Martin Brownbridge and Murna MorganInvestment, Savings and External Financing in Belize
By Alan SlusherFinancial System Development in Belize
By Manuel VasquezCredit Concentrations: A Supervisory Perspective
By Martin BrownbridgeThe Sugar Industry in Belize
By Roger BradleyExport Credit Insurance
By Martin BrownbridgeThe Growth of Financial Savings in Belize and its Contribution to Economic Growth
By Martin BrownbridgeInvestment in Fixed Capital
By Yvette AlvarezExternal Debt and Adjustment: The Case of Belize 1980 – 1986
By Graeme Justice and Yvette AlvarezForeign Exchange Reserve Cover and Statutory Limits on Central Bank Credit to Central Government: The Need for a Consistent Approach
By Yvette AlvarezThe Use of Liquidity Requirements
By Carla BarnettThe Impact of the Mexican Devaluation on Belize
By Maydia LubenThe Financial System in Belize: 1965 to 1982
By Carla BarnettCommercial Banking in Belize: 1960 - 1980
By Dorla HumesTrading Patterns in Belize 1970 – 1979